Tuesday, June 10, 2014

[Kickstarter Review #1] "REIGN Enchiridion" (by Greg Stolze): Part 1: Overview

The first project I backed on Kickstarter was REIGN Enchiridion by Greg Stolze/Arc Dream Publishing/Cubicle 7. This project funded on December 18, 2009. I pledged $15 for the digest-sized softback book and the pdf. This project is old enough that it was created before Kickstarter required estimated delivery dates. My best recollection (It has been four years!) is that I received the pdf in March 2010, the physical book arrived in May 2010, and both were on-time.

What is REIGN Enchiridion? REIGN Enchiridion is REIGN: A Game of Lords and Leaders with the (weird but interesting) setting stripped-out and some of the material from REIGN's (free) supplements added-in. REIGN uses the One-Roll Engine (or ORE) that is used in games like GodlikeWild Talents, and Monsters and Other Childish Things. What differentiates REIGN from any other standard fantasy role-playing game is the ability to play the leaders of a "Company."

What is a "Company"? A Company is any group of people who have common cause ... for example, a business, a group of mercenaries and/or thieves, a religion, or a secret conspiracy. The Company is created very much like you create a character.

The book is digest-sized (6" wide x 9" tall x 1/2" thick) and softbacked. The cover is glossy and a darker red than the image above. The interior is black and white and well laid out with illustrations only between chapters. It is worth noting that the pdf has hyperlinks in the extensive table of contents but not in the index.

The (watermarked) pdf is available on DriveThruRPG for $9.99. The book is available on Amazon. Indie Press Revolution carries REIGN but not REIGN Enchiridion?

Coming up next ... a more detailed review of the contents of REIGN Enchiridion: Part 2: Introduction & Character Creation.

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